Monday, September 8, 2014

Harrisburg ARTwalk
OCTOBER 18th / Saturday
10:00 a.m. 'til 4:00 p.m.
Harrisburg Town Center

     Registration is ONLY $10.00 for a (10' x 10') until the 15th of October then it will go up to $20.00 for the same area. We are only allowing 7-10 jewelry artists and 5 mult-level businesses. Please bring your own canopy you never know what even October will hold. You are responsible for your own tables, chairs and inventory. We ask that you area also responsible for your own trash - at the time we do not have access to trash cans, but hoping to work on that through the Parks & Rec Center. Also remember this registration fee is for our youth - all registration fees go towards an ART Scholarship towards a college in dance, music, graphics, or other form of art that the youth is interested in. It's endless where this scholarship can take a student and Harrisburg ARTwalk wants to be a part of this and make their dream possible.  Please register online through the website:
(registration form)

On this blog I will be focusing on those new artists that we welcome aboard to the event. Within a couple of days of them registration. So be patient as I try to catch up from the 11+ we have registered already. And thank you for plugging into the blog. I'm hoping to focus on new ideas - new talent - new events all over the Carolinas. 

Thank you-